Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Assignment #6 Teenagers & Relationships

In young relationship it never works out. There is so much drama in teen relationships. It also distracts kids from school. In a lot of teen relationship parents don’t even know that there child has started dating. Kids don’t tell their parents because they know that most parents won’t approve. In these relationships it’s mostly always the girl who gets hurt in the end. It’s better to start a relationship when you are older not when you’re young. Sometimes there is a teen who is not taking the relationship serious and the other partner. Some teens are just in a relationship because they want to have sex with the other. There are some teens that will commit suicide because their relationship didn’t work out.

Young relationships never work. They never work because were young and don’t know what we want completely. Teens never take relationships serious. Or when they do they still don’t work out. Teens always and always will have problems with their relationship. We will always have problems because we are young and we get mad for stupid reasons. Teens just have a lot of problems now these days.

Teen relationships have too much drama. It’s ridiculous how much drama teen relationships can cause. Girls get in fight because they want the same guy and in the end the guy don’t care what happens to them. Or the other way around guys get mad because you look at their girl or talk to that girl. Even in the relationships the girl don’t want you talking to any girls or the guy don’t want you talking to any guys. It’s just too much fighting. Then when they break up because they want to be with someone else they get mad and start arguing. Someone will cry and start talking about what they can do to work it out. Too much drama like I said.

Relationships also distract kids with school. They think about each other to much or think about what they are going to do after school with each other. If there in the same class they talk to each other all period. When they do that they don’t learn in class and fall behind in that class. They also won’t do their homework because they are with each other all day after school or talk on the phone all night. It’s hard for a kid to keep doing well in school if they are in a relationship.

When kids are in a relationship a lot of parents don’t even know they are. They don’t know because there child don’t want to tell them. There child don’t want to tell them because they know that they won’t let them be with each other. And if they know that there child is in a relationship then they will keep a close eye on them and won’t let them go out as much. A teen don’t want their parents following them around they will go crazy. It will also make them feel weird.

When relationship ends someone always gets hurt. In these situations it’s almost always the girl who gets hurt. I think they get hurt because girls are really emotional. Then when this happens the girl think that she is ugly and is not good for anyone. That’s bad because the girl might commit suicide.

Some teens might not be taking these relationships serious. They are just in a relationship to look cool. Or maybe they are using the person. They never work out when one person takes it serious and the other one doesn’t they just don’t stay together long because of that. In that situation the person who is taking the relationship serious gets hurt because they wanted it to work out. The other one won’t even care they will just find someone else.

Some teens are just in relationship for sex. They just use the person to get it. When they get what they want they might leave to other person. Guys do this to a lot of girls. When guys do it, it’s cool to everyone. When girls do it everyone looks at them bad. A lot of teens just use the other to get sex. That’s why teens can never take a relationship serious.

Some teens commit suicide because of these relationships. Teens commit suicide because they are having problems in these relationships or when they break up and one person really loved the other. It’s just too much pressure for teens I guess. They don’t have to commit suicide because there are a lot of people in this world and they could find someone else. Teens just need to come down and if they need it get help. They are not going to make anyone or themselves feel better if they commit suicide they just need to let it go. Teen relationships cause too much drama like I said in the beginning.

Teen relationships never last. They never last because they are young. The younger you are the less it’s going to work out. When you are young it’s harder to be in a relationship. It’s better to start a relationship when you are older. When you are older you know what you want. You know how to make a relationship work out. When you are older you are more mature and that helps in a relationship. When you are older your parents don’t care if you are in a relationship you can do whatever you want when you are older. It’s just better to start a relationship when you are older.
So if you don’t want to get hurt and want your relationship to last you should start if when you are older because teen relationships are just too much drama.

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