Thursday, November 4, 2010

Assignment #5 Teenagers and Gangs

People join gangs to be cool. Kids join gangs because they want to be popular. When people go to prison they also join gangs. Sometimes they want respect so they join a gang. Kids don’t know what they get themselves into when they join a gang. Being in a gang is dangerous. You can not only put yourself in danger but also those who are around you. You get in a gang is not easy and to get out is even harder or sometimes you can’t get out. When you get in a gang you start to do bad things. Gangs don’t help you. A lot of gangs fight for stupid reasons. A lot of people get hurt or killed because of gangs. In a neighborhood with a gang makes people afraid to go outside because the gangs cause trouble. We don’t need gangs to be around teens because they are a bad influence.
People join gangs to be cool. It’s more likely for younger people who join gangs like teens. They join gangs because they are around them a lot or maybe they’re friends are in the gang. They might join a gang because they think that they will get more attention but gang members get more attention from cops. Joining a gang doesn’t make you cool.
People also want respect. Joining a gang don’t really give you respect you will only get respect from the ones that are in it. If you want respect you just have to give the other person respect. You don’t need to join a gang. I would not give you respect if you didn’t give it to me even if you are in a gang.
When people go to prison they join gangs. They join gangs to help they stay protected. But in prison they don’t care either it might help a little but it will also put you in danger. An other person in a other gang might want to kill you because you’re in that gang. When you come out of prison you are not the same as when you went in. You might regret joining a gang in the future.
People and especially teens don’t know what they are getting themselves into when they join a gang. Joining a gang doesn’t help you in life. Joining a gang changes a lot of things you can’t hang out with certain people are can’t be in certain areas. You also can’t wear certain colors like if you’re in bloods you have to wear red. If you are in bloods and wear blue you will get killed by your own gang.
Being in a gang is dangerous. It is dangerous because you can get killed any day of your life when you’re in a gang. Would you like to wake up every morning know that you might not make in back home tonight or going to bed knowing that you are lucky you made it through the day. I know I would not like to be thinking about when I’m going to die. I would like to die at a old age so I can live my life. When you join a gang you don’t only put yourself in danger. You can put the people around you in danger too like your friends and family. Would you want your family to be in danger just because you are in a gang? I would not want anyone to get hurt because of me.
When you get in a gang there is no turning back. When you get in as gang you have to do things to show that you are worthy enough to be in it. It’s not easy to get in it and you won’t like what you have to do go get in it. To get out of a gang it is even harder than it is to get out that’s why I said there is no turning back. Sometimes you can’t get out and if you’re not lucky you might get killed just for wanting to get out of the gang.
When you are in a gang you start to do a lot of bad things. You do bad things because you might have to do bad things for the gang. You also will be introduced to drugs. When you do drugs you mess up your life and it’s bad for your body. Drugs also put you in danger because some drugs are to strong and can kill you because it’s too strong. You also never know how your body will react with these drugs everyone’s body is different and that’s why it is dangerous to do them. Doing these bad things can get you into prison and you might get killed in prison.
Gangs fight for a lot of stupid reasons. Do you want to get in trouble for stupid reasons? When you are in a gang you are going in a wrong path to messing up your life because when you get in trouble it goes in your record and you get a bad reputation and harder to get a job and other stuff. Gangs are constantly fighting over things like who’s a better gang. Gangs get in gang fight and then someone gets hurt and then they fight again because they hurt the other gang member. They just find a way to fight each other because they hate each other.
A lot of people get hurt because of gangs. Even innocent people get hurt because they are where there are a lot of gangs. Sometimes people are in the wrong place at the wrong time. People get scared to go outside if there in a neighborhood with a lot of gangs. They don’t let their children outside because they don’t want them to get hurt. People get killed because of gangs like gang’s members, people who hang out with gangs, or their family members. No one wants to lose a friend or a family member because it’s just sad to lose someone you know. When someone dies it’s your fault because you put them in danger because you are in a gang. We don’t want gangs around teens and children because they are a bad influence.

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