Friday, November 12, 2010

Assignment #7 School Report Card

I think that aha is meeting our emotional, spiritual, and psychological health needs. I think that the school is doing well. The psychological needs are there as well. They are strict but it is because they want us to do well. The emotional needs are there because everyone I see here are happy most of the time. I think that when we get the tradition at this school going the spiritual needs will be there. This is a good school and I like it.

I think that all our needs are there. Our emotional, spiritual, psychological needs are there at least that’s what I think. I like this school because there are not a lot of problems. I have everything I can ask for here. I don’t feel left out. I also have fun here in all my classes.

The school is going well. Most of the teachers are doing there job. If someone is failing it’s because of themselves they choose to pass or fail. The staff does their best to get their jobs done. I don’t really see anything that is doing badly here everything seems pretty calm. That’s why I think this school is a good school because there are more positive things than negative.

The psychological needs are there. I think that everyone feels safe at this school I know that I do. A lot of kids say that we need more freedom. A lot of kids say that this school is like a prison because there is someone always on your back. But I also think that we need a little more freedom. We should be able to go to the black top so we can play basketball. Some of the rules here are too strict. But they only do it so we can succeed in the future.

I think that our emotional needs are there as well. Everyone here is happy I don’t really see angry people at this school. Everyone gets attention from the counselors and advisors. So if they have a problem they could talk to them. We don’t really have our own privacy because when you are going somewhere and a security or teacher sees you they ask you where are you going and from where did you come from. They just ask a lot of questions.

I think that the spiritual needs are not there. There are not a lot of spiritual people here. Once we get more fuun and more tradition here I think everyone will be morre spiritual. So we need to work harder on making our tradition going. It will be more fun once we get the tradition here going. So AHA keep up the good work on all the things you do to make sure we are sucsessful. We need to change the community around here because everyone th9inks that we are a bunch of low lives.


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