Thursday, November 4, 2010

Assignment #4 Teen Suicide

Teen suicide is crazy. It’s sad that people commit suicide. It’s even crazier when kids commit suicide because they don’t know any better. A lot of people commit suicide because they are having problems in their life and can’t take it anymore. People always give signs when they are going to commit suicide. I don’t like that people kill themselves because they are tired of living. All they need to do is get help. Think about the other people you are going to hurt if you commit suicide.
Teen suicide is really crazy to me. Suicide is really crazy to me because I would never commit suicide. its crazier when kids and teens commit suicide because they are young and still have a lot to live for. Mine and your life is a gift and you should not waste it. I would also be too afraid to commit suicide. People need to know that teen suicide is a big problem and we should not do anything that will make someone commit suicide.
Teens commit suicide because of all the problems they go through at a young age. We need to help by not giving any teens problems like bullying. When they get tired off all their problems and can’t take it any more they commit suicide. It’s sad because they are young and don’t know that they still have a lot to live for.
When someone is goin to commit suicide they always give signs. They biggest sign are that they tell you they are going to commit suicide.  Like if they say that they are going to commit suicide or if they say it would be better if they were not alive. Another reason is if they start to give a lot of their stuff away. They start to give away stuff that you think that they would never give away. They will also change their mood like if they have been depressed they will all of a sudden be happy like their problems just went away. We need to be aware of those signs what if someone is giving those signs and you are not noticing them.
These teens just need to get help. There are a lot of people out there that would love to help you. If these teens get help than there is a good chance that they would change their mind. A lot of teens would be saved if we pay more attention to the signs that they give us. That’s why it is important to pay attention to these signs so fewer teens can get hurt.
Teens need to think about the people they are going to hurt if they commit suicide. if they want to commit suicide they need to think about how other people are going to feel after they are gone. There are people who love you and would hate to lose you. And you are a teen and every teen has problems you still are young and could do something with your life.

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