Friday, November 12, 2010

Assignment #8 Restorative Justice

Restorative justice is when you fix something that you caused. A lot of people do bad things then don’t go to jail. If someone did something to me I would want him or her to go to jail. I think that it don’t help when people are just given community service. We can’t be soft on criminals. The only way we should be softer on these criminals is when the try to fix what they caused. We give them a little punishment instead of a bigger punishment. In the future if we keep doing this than we are going to get softer and softer.

Restorative justice is when someone fixes something that they caused. Like if you steel money from someone and they find out it was you have to apologies and give the money back, instead of going to jail. We should put them in jail it would be better than apologizing. They should get jail time and do there other punishment like community service. I think that that is what they should do when they do they crime.

A lot of people do bad things and don’t go to jail. When someone steels from some ones house they need to go to jail not get community service. They wont learn their lesson. When they are done with there soft punishment they are just going to do it again because they wont have nothing to lose. They will keep doing their crimes and will get away with some. We need to be stricter with them. Give them a bigger punishment.

If someone did something to me I would be really mad. Then when we go to court and he only gets community service. That will make me even madder because he is going to be happy that he doesn’t have to do time. I would want that person to do time in jail. The bigger the punishment the happier I would be and I bet other people will feel the same.

I think that it don’t help when people are given little punishments like community service because they wont learn any thing. The people who are getting the punishment are happy because it’s a little punishment. They will just keep doing their bad crimes because they don’t get a proper punishment. If we want them to stop doing there crimes than we need to give them the proper punishment.
We can’t be soft on these people. They will just keep doing they crimes like I said in the beginning. Its like when we don’t put on our ids we get lunch detention we don’t want to just tell the student put on your id and apologize for not having it on. We need to do the same with the people who robed a house, stole money, or beat him or her up, etc. we need to be more stickier so that they will learn there lesson and so they are afraid of doing g the crime again.

The only time we should be soft on criminals is when they try to fix what they did on their own. When they fix things on there own they don’t need to go to court or do community service. When people do that it is because they think about what they did and they know that what they did was wrong. When you do something bad to another person put yourself in their position. Its better to not do anything stupid in the first place.

One time my cousin was at a pool and he stole a phone. Then later that day he returned it and told the person that he took it and felt bad about it so he wanted to return it back the her. Then she gave him 20 dollars because he returned it back to her. He felt like a better person and got 20 dollars. He was all happy because its hard for him to get money.

If we give people bigger punishments than we will have less off these problems. Why will it be less of a problem? It would be less of a problem because people will be afraid to do these things. It will be better because no will have to go to court and get a punishment and no one gets mad.

 But in the future if we keep being soft with these people that we will see more and more of this. Then they will keep on doing bad things like I keep saying this. So we need to stop being soft on these people. They disserve it so they can stop doing it. And if we don’t get stricter than we will get softer and softer. Then there will be more problems because we are too soft. We don’t need more problems in this world there all ready is enough problems in the world. So lets not get softer and get stricter so we could have lees of these problems and save.

If you don’t do bad things than you are a better person. If you are a good person than good things will happen to you. If you are a bad person then bad things will happen to you. Like my cousin got 20 dollars for returning the phone. Carma is real believe me. So be a better person because good things will happen to you. Its better to have good things happen to you than bad things. 

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